How Much Time Is Required for Recovery after Tooth Extraction

How Much Time Is Required for Recovery after Tooth Extraction?

Adults having permanent teeth extracted is pretty standard for many reasons. Your dentist may recommend wisdom teeth removal as a measure to safeguard your dental hygiene. When you hear about having a tooth pulled, you become overwhelmed with concerns about how much time you require for recovery after tooth extraction.

Tooth extractions, whether straightforward or surgical, involve removing a part of your body. The dental professional recommends relaxing for some time after the procedure to ensure blood clot formation. However, if you are concerned about a speedy recovery, we suggest you read this article providing comprehensive information on the same.

Why Has Your Dentist Recommended Tooth Extraction?

Dentists don’t recommend extractions because they favor the procedure. They consider various factors affecting your tooth and only recommend having a tooth pulled if preserving it is not possible. Some reasons why dentists recommend tooth extractions are:

  • Large cavities have damaged the tooth beyond repair.
  • Your tooth is extensively broken down, and it is impossible to put it back together.
  • You have advanced periodontal disease that has weakened the bone supporting the tooth.
  • Baby teeth don’t fall out naturally, blocking the permanent teeth.
  • You need space in your mouth for artificial appliances like dentures, implants, or orthodontic treatment.
  • Wisdom teeth removal is often recommended if the tooth is impacted or infected.

Recovery after Tooth Extraction

After tooth extraction, the recovery period varies between patients and depends on whether you have undergone a simple extraction or needed a surgical procedure for removing the tooth.

If you have undergone a simple extraction on a visible tooth, the recovery process is brief. Your dentist recommends you rest for 48 to 72 hours to ensure the formation of the blood clot. You can return to your regular physical activity after the resting period. The soft tissue in your mouth heals entirely in about three to four weeks. The recovery after tooth extraction varies for every patient. Your dental health, the size and location of the tooth, and your compliance with the after-care instructions all play a role in the recovery process.

If you had to undergo surgical extractions for removing an impacted tooth from the jawbone, the recovery process is longer. Here again, the oral surgeon recommends that you rest for 48 to 72 hours to ensure you don’t dislodge the blood clot, which leads to complications like a dry socket. However, oral surgeons recommend that you do not resume physical activity until a week after the procedure in surgical extractions.

How much time you need to remain off work following tooth removal will depend on your job’s amount of physical activity. You can discuss this matter with the dentist in your area beforehand to ensure you coordinate with your employer accordingly.

Some Tips for Speedy Recovery after Tooth Extraction

Your desire to recover faster after tooth extraction requires you to follow the dentist’s after-care instructions without exceptions. You can use the following tips that are helpful to heal from tooth extractions:

  • You must take any medicines prescribed or over-the-counter as instructed by your dentist.
  • You will experience swelling on your cheeks after the procedure. An ice pack helps you alleviate the swelling, while the medicines help control the pain.
  • You must avoid brushing and flossing near the extraction site for a few days but otherwise continue maintaining appropriate dental hygiene.
  • Avoid using a straw for drinking liquids, spit vigorously during the initial 24 hours, or smoke as it can increase the chances of developing infections.
  • Limit physical activity to ensure the blood clot remains in place and does not dislodge to cause a painful dry socket.
  • Use pillows to keep your head in an elevated position when sleeping, as it helps to prevent bleeding.

You may fear the tooth extraction procedure. However, dentistry advances coupled with modern anesthesia make extractions a relatively quick process. You can prevent the need for extractions altogether by using the following tips:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss your teeth at least once to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth.
  • Do not forget six-monthly results to your dentist for cleanings and exams helpful for detecting issues in your mouth that can make you susceptible to undergo tooth extractions.

Tooth extractions are mostly preventable with proper dental hygiene. Unless your teeth are infected, impacted, or damaged, dentists make every effort to save your tooth instead of recommending extractions. However, if you are advised, one understand it is for your dental health and not because the dentist likes pulling teeth.

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